School Improvement Plan
Chickamauga City Schools
Gordon Lee Middle School Strategic Plan 2023-2024
Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students at level 3 and 4 in ELA, math, science, and social studies by 3% as measured by the Georgia Milestones Assessment in 2024.
Action Steps:
- Use formative assessments to assess student readiness and mastery.
- Provide as many advanced/high school classes as needed.
- Use the Georgia Frameworks and standards as guide for planning rigorous lessons.
- Remediate through tutoring before/after school.
- Implement current lessons and assessments to create increased depth of knowledge.
- Provide study skills classes for remediation and enrichment with an emphasis on areas of need.
- Provide gifted classes to meet the individual needs of each student and enrichment.
- Provide technology to help meet the needs of all students.
- Utilize system wide lesson plan format/information.
Goal 2: By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, all teachers and leaders will participate in Professional Learning Communities (PLC).
Action Steps:
- Participate in teacher-driven professional learning communities (PLC).
- Participate in peer observations.
- Participate in vertical planning.
- Participate in MAP growth and data training.
Goal 3: Improve communication and strengthen school, family, and community partnerships.
Action Steps:
- Use a variety of means (i.e. Facebook, email blasts, School Messenger, Remind 101, etc.) to convey academic, school activities, and other important announcements to parents.
- Provide student progress and performance information to parents regularly through Infinite Campus and direct contacts (i.e. “good calls”).
- Provide information and relevant instruction to parents regarding applicable and timely topics.
- School council meetings
Goal 4: Promote a positive and safe school climate conducive to learning in order to educate the whole child and ensure all students achieve academic success.
Action Steps:
- Implement relationship-building strategies (i.e. Capturing Kids Hearts program)
- Continue teacher-as-advisor program (WIN/CHAMPS/Advisement) with lessons and on-on-one consultants.
- Continue Renaissance program, Star Student, Good Things, etc. to recognize and celebrate student success.
- Offer students extra-curricular opportunities that develop personal interests and/or leadership skills.
- Review and update the Emergency Preparedness Plan as needed.
- Provide annual training for teachers in relevant areas (i.e. Suicide Awareness, Mandated Reporting, Mental Health, etc.)
- Implement a monthly club period to provide all students with opportunities to develop personal interests.