Chickamauga City Schools
Student Code of Conduct
The School is a community, and the rules and regulations of a school are the laws of the community. All of those enjoying the right of citizenship in the school community must also accept the responsibilities of citizenship. A basic responsibility of every citizen is to respect the laws of the community.
The purpose of this code is to provide students in the Chickamauga City School System an effective and safe learning environment. This document has been prepared in accordance with the Discipline Procedures of the Chickamauga City School System. It contains information for school personnel, students, and parents. Included on the website is an outline of expected behaviors and the consequences relating to various violations. Expected behavior is behavior that promotes learning and encourages maturity during the school day as well as during all school-related activities. Students and their parents need to know, understand, and support this code in order to achieve these goals. Students SHOULD:
Participate fully in the learning process. Students need to report to school and class on time prepared with appropriate materials, attend all regularly scheduled classes, remain in class until excused or dismissed, pay attention to instruction, complete assignments to the best of their ability, and ask for help when needed.
Avoid behavior that impairs their own or another students’ educational achievement. Students should know and avoid the behaviors prohibited by this code, show respect and care for property of others and the school, and cooperate with others. Students are expected to make restitution if they lose or cause damage to school property.
Show respect for the knowledge and authority of teachers, administrators, and other school employees. Students must obey reasonable directions, use acceptable and courteous language, avoid being rude, and follow school rules and procedures.
Recognize and respect the rights of other students and adults. All students should show concern for and encouragement of the educational achievements and activity participation of others. Bullying is a violation of state law and will not be tolerated.
Disciplinary action for violations of expected behaviors will follow appropriate due process. In all cases, the rights of individuals will be ensured and protected. The Chickamauga City School System utilizes a progressive discipline policy, with age-appropriate dispensations, which will be administered consistently in all schools. When applicable, individualized plans (i.e. IEP, 504, and SST) will be reviewed for appropriate consequences.
Click the link below to read the full policy:
Student Code of Conduct Policy